Saturday 9 March 2013

Secure and private



Here is why? 
If privacy and security are the prioritize concern for you than you really need to step back from Mac OS and Windows. The US government believed that it is widely backdoored. Both Microsoft and Apple have been implicated in cooperating with the NSA for the security concerns.

On the other hand Linux is open source distribution, as a result one can independently write the code and can be make defensive from the malicious backdoor attacks. Linux has also bring the alternative for the user-friendly environment of the windows and Mac OS. It has deployed the user-friendly distribution like Ubuntu, mint, which we can say that they are much more secure than the Windows and Mac OS. It is specially designed for providing the purpose of security and privacy.

The distribution of all the Linux have the ability to be booted from the Live CD/DVD, so as a result we do not need to install it on the machine. Also the alternative of booting from the Live CD /DVD, one can easily install it on the Virtual Machine while using Windows/Mac OS. It works but less securely, but still secure.

Few most secure distros of Linux are:


TAIL is fully operated on the TOR. Suppose if you are using any public wifi and you do not want anybody to know the internet traffic of yours, who want o peek your traffic than TAIL is the best option for that.
For those who has anonymity and privacy at the priority than TAIL is best suited for that.
It also facilitate with MAC address spoofing, Crypyographic tools and also the bunch of the various useful tools.


KALI is well designed and used widely in Offensive Security. Kali is built on Debian and maintained by Offensive Security Ltd. You can run Kali off a Live CD, USB drive, or in a virtual machine.
KALI is said to be as it is all about the security and the Security Testing. KALI is mainly introduced for the penetration testing.

(Its FIREWALL is so strong to break into it.)

The Most SECURE APPLICATION can be Programmed in JAVA 

Here is why?

Java has a variety of safety features such as:
Automatic null-checking of references, bounds-checking of arrays, verification of casts, etc. to prevent the program from making type errors. Compare this to C or C++, where these same errors (with a few exceptions) cause undefined behavior.
Verification of bytecode prior to execution. This makes it impossible for the program to jump to an undefined instruction, or to try to perform an operation on a nonexistent object, or to make a type error at the instruction level, etc. Compare this to C or assembly, where the program can jump to bad instructions, or try reading nonexistent parameters to functions.
Runtime security checks when loading in new code. The use of SecurityManager and ClassLoader make it easy for the Java runtime to prevent arbitrary code from executing on the computer by mediating access to system resources and preventing the program from loading or generating arbitrary code at runtime. Compare this to C or C++, which can read and write arbitrary values, issue arbitrary system calls, generate and execute arbitrary code, etc.
Library-level safety of certain features. For example, String is immutable and final, so a function that receives a String can verify the string and not have to worry about another thread changing its value.
The Compiler handles computer memory management for you, so the programmer do not have to reserve memory or use pointers like C and C++.

This cannot be said as the complete features but it does make sense.

(As other application programming language once COMPILE the code then it never check again, where in JAVA, it compile again and again.)

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